A digital exhibition featuring artefacts that explore experiences of living through remediation to fix post-Grenfell building safety problems. The exhibition will tell the story of the unmaking of home spaces through creative media, which virtual attendees can engage with at their own pace.
This digital exhibition represents leaseholders' experiences of living through work to remedy unsafe buildings in the post-Grenfell building safety crisis. Visitors to the digital exhibition space will engage with a range of multi-sensory exhibits that will immerse attendees in the sights, sounds, and emotions associated with large-scale remediation works. The collection will reflect on the way in which home is made and unmade, not only through changes to the material fabric of dwellings, but also by locating these works within a longer period of waiting and uncertainty that have changed many people’s lives. The exhibition will include discussion of mental health impacts.
(Funder: Crook Public Service Fellowships)
Jenny Preece, Research Associate at the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence, University of Sheffield
Open to everyone, but please note there will be discussion of some sensitive topics.
The University of Sheffield Festival of Social Science website will be available soon for all event registrations. Please check https://player.sheffield.ac.uk/ for further updates