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22 October - 13 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Virtual Humanity: The politics of Virtual Reality experiences

What’s on offer?

You are invited to attend a curated space filled with a number of seated areas with VR headsets in order to watch an immersive documentary “Clouds Over Sidra”. The first 45 mins of the event will consist of attendees using a number of VR headsets to watch the film, followed by a 15 minute presentation and 30 minute discussion with the audience.

What’s it about?

The screening will be of the UNICEF produced film 'Clouds Over Sidra' that documents the experience of a young Syrian refugee and her experience of life in a Jordanian displaced persons camp. The event will 1) provide an interesting, immersive experience of life at the front one of the most protracted and dangerous civil conflicts in recent history 2) provide an opportunity to experience immersive media and reflect on what it does and how it makes you feel. If future media is to become more virtualised and immersive, what potential impact does that have on how people gain information about global events, and is this for better, or worse?

Who’s leading the event?

Ciaran Gillespie, Lecturer in International Politics, University of Surrey

Open to

All welcome but not suitable for young children due to film content

Of particular interest to

Members of the public who are interested in international affairs and media