This will be a workshop/discussion/seminar event which can be held both online and in person. The event will comprise two sections; a presentation/discussion by the researchers followed by a question and answer section. The Q & A section will allow the attendees to ask questions on/related to the topic discussed by the authors.
Digwyddiad gweithdy/trafodaeth/seminar fydd hwn y gellir ei gynnal ar-lein ac yn y cnawd. Bydd y digwyddiad mewn dwy ran; yn gyntaf cyflwyniad/trafodaeth gan yr ymchwilwyr ac yna sesiwn cwestiwn ac ateb. Bydd y rhan cwestiwn ac ateb yn caniatáu i'r mynychwyr ofyn cwestiynau am y pwnc a drafodwyd gan yr awduron.
This event will critically discuss the idea of Universal Basic Income with a focus on how the UBI idea can help solve the current global social problem of climate change. In brief: Governments all over the world are announcing "climate and environmental crises" to draw attention to the unsustainable ways in which people have changed the earth over a few generations. The pace of global warming has delayed the onset of the next ice age and world governments have declared an emergent climate. Social scientists have analysed policies designed for the Anthropocene which Nature Sustainability research focuses on command- and-control measures like taxes, subsidies, and fines. Among these possible old policies that are seen as of potential policies to address climate change and global warming is the Universal Basic Income (UBI). Therefore, is the idea of Universal Basic Income the solution to the current emergent climate change? How do human actions and activities change the climate? Join us as we critically explore this topic to save our planet.
Bydd y digwyddiad hwn yn trafod yn feirniadol y syniad o Incwm Sylfaenol Cyffredinol gan ganolbwyntio ar sut y gallai hynny helpu i ddatrys newid yn yr hinsawdd, sy’n broblem gymdeithasol fyd-eang. Yn fyr: Mae llywodraethau ledled y byd yn cyhoeddi bod "argyfwng hinsoddol ac amgylcheddol" i dynnu sylw at y ffyrdd anghynaladwy y mae pobl wedi newid y ddaear dros ychydig o genedlaethau. Mae cyflymder cynhesu byd-eang wedi gohirio dyfodiad yr oes iâ nesaf ac mae llywodraethau'r byd wedi datgan argyfwng hinsawdd. Mae gwyddonwyr cymdeithasol wedi dadansoddi polisïau a gynlluniwyd ar gyfer yr Anthroposen ac mae ymchwil i gynaliadwyedd byd natur yn canolbwyntio ar fesurau gorchymyn a rheoli megis trethi, cymorthdaliadau a dirwyon. Ymhlith yr hen bolisïau hyn a ystyrir fel polisïau posibl i fynd i'r afael â newid yn yr hinsawdd a chynhesu byd-eang mae Incwm Sylfaenol Cyffredinol. Felly, ai Incwm Sylfaenol Cyffredinol yw’r ateb i newid hinsawdd? Sut mae gweithredoedd a gweithgarwch dynol yn newid yr hinsawdd?
Ymunwch â ni wrth i ni archwilio'r pwnc hwn yn feirniadol er mwyn achub ein planed.
Stella Gmekpebi Gabuljah and Dr Hefin Gwylim from Bangor University's School of History, Law and Social Sciences
Stella Gmekpebi Gabuljah a Dr Hefin Gwilym o Ysgol Hanes, y Gyfraith a Gwyddorau Cymdeithas Prifysgol Bangor.
It is open to young people and adults
Mae’r digwyddiadau hyn yn agored i oedolion a phobl ifanc
This event will be of particular interest to those who have both environmental, sustainability, ideas of social justice and social policy
Lecure Room 3, Main Arts, Bangor University
This event is hosted in collaboration by Bangor and Cardiff Universities. It will take place in two separate locations on different dates. If you would like to attend this event in Cardiff, please follow the link: