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22 October - 13 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Understanding Welsh Places: hands-on introduction to an interactive website with data on your local area (Bangor University Event)’

My local area theme

What’s on offer?

The event will be an introduction to the Understanding Welsh Places (UWP) website. A brief introduction will be followed by an interactive, hands-on workshop where attendees can learn how to use the website. You will be shown how you can use data about your local area (Cardiff and South Wales / Bangor and North Wales) to help you understand where you live and how it is similar or different to neighbouring places. Exploring the similarities and contrasts might give you ideas for your place, or you can share examples of your best practice with others.

Cyflwyniad i wefan Deall Lleoedd Cymru fydd y digwyddiad. Yn dilyn cyflwyniad byr bydd gweithdy rhyngweithiol, ymarferol lle gall mynychwyr ddysgu sut i ddefnyddio'r wefan. Dangosir i chi sut y gallwch ddefnyddio data am eich ardal leol (Caerdydd a De Cymru / Bangor a Gogledd Cymru) i'ch helpu i ddeall ble rydych yn byw a sut mae'n debyg neu'n wahanol i leoedd cyfagos. Gallai archwilio’r tebygrwydd a’r gwahaniaethau roi syniadau i chi am eich lle chi, neu gallwch rannu enghreifftiau o arferion gorau gydag eraill.

What’s it about?

On the UWP website you will find useful data and geographical information about your town or local area to help you identify opportunities for your community. This includes information about every place in Wales with 1,000 or more residents. If you live in a town or community with fewer than 2,000 people, you will find that there is less data available than for larger places. There is data on the demographic, social and economic make up of an area, the availability of community services and assets including public transport, and data on how people move between places such as commuting and migration patterns. The graphics, maps and guidance on the website will help you to explore the data you need to make a difference in the place where you live or work. 

Ar wefan Deall Lleoedd Cymru fe welwch ddata defnyddiol a gwybodaeth ddaearyddol am eich tref neu’ch ardal leol i'ch helpu i nodi cyfleoedd ar gyfer eich cymuned. Mae hyn yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am bob lle yng Nghymru sydd â 1,000 neu fwy o drigolion. Os ydych yn byw mewn tref neu gymuned gyda llai na 2,000 o bobl, fe welwch fod llai o ddata ar gael nag ar gyfer lleoedd mwy. Ceir data ar gyfansoddiad demograffig, cymdeithasol ac economaidd ardal, argaeledd gwasanaethau ac asedau cymunedol gan gynnwys trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, a data ar sut mae pobl yn symud rhwng lleoedd megis patrymau cymudo a mudo. Bydd y graffeg, y mapiau a’r canllawiau ar y wefan yn eich helpu i archwilio’r data sydd ei angen arnoch i wneud gwahaniaeth i lle rydych yn byw neu’n gweithio.

Who’s leading the event?

This event will be run by Dr Robin Mann and Professor Martina Feilzer from WISERD Bangor University / Prifysgol Bangor


Open to

Although anyone can attend, we would particularly like to attract members of town and community councils, civil society and third sector groups who would benefit from working with comparative data on their local areas. 

Er y gall unrhyw un fynychu, hoffem yn arbennig ddenu aelodau o gynghorau tref a chymuned, cymdeithas sifil a grwpiau trydydd sector a fyddai’n elwa o weithio gyda data cymharol am eu hardaloedd lleol.

Scheduling information

This event is hosted in collaboration by Bangor and Cardiff Universities. It will take place in two separate locations on different dates. If you would like to attend this event in Cardiff, please follow the link: