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22 October - 13 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

The significant role of SMEs in the UK economy.

What’s on offer?

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMES) are considered as the backbone of the UK economy and play a vital role in enhancing the employment and economic growth in the UK. SMEs account for 99.9% of all businesses in the United Kingdom at the start of 2021.

Ystyrir busnesau bach a chanolig (BBaCh) fel asgwrn cefn economi’r Deyrnas Unedig ac maent yn chwarae rhan hanfodol wrth wella cyflogaeth a thwf economaidd yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Roedd BBaCh yn cyfrif am 99.9% o’r holl fusnesau yn y Deyrnas Unedig ar ddechrau 2021.

What’s it about?

Covid-19 pandemic has been considered as a significant barrier to SMEs. However, they are still looking for pursuing the activities for growth to succeed in the future despite the pandemic barriers. We will be presenting our research on the impact of internationalisation and open innovation on SMEs’ performance.

Ystyrir bod pandemig Covid-19 wedi bod yn rhwystr sylweddol i fusnesau bach a chanolig. Fodd bynnag, maent yn bwrw ymlaen i geisio tyfu er mwyn llwyddo yn y dyfodol er gwaethaf rhwystrau’r pandemig. Byddwn yn cyflwyno ein hymchwil ar effaith rhyngwladoli ac arloesi agored ar berfformiad busnesau bach a chanolig.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Mahshid Bagheri and Dr Siwan Mitchelmore from Bangor University Business School

Dr Mahshid Bagheri and Dr Siwan Mitchelmore aelodau o Ysgol Busnes Prifysgol Bangor

Open to

The event designed for the university students or graduates to help them understand the importance of studying and researching SMEs and the challenges they face while operating in the domestic and foreign market. The business and management. The attendees will be given the opportunity to ask questions and to take part in discussion.

experts will present how best firms can use open innovation to expand internationally and exploit their resources and capabilities to achieve success in foreign markets and gain superior performance. Open innovation will be discussed as a key factor that might significantly impact the SMEs’ survival.

Cynlluniwyd y digwyddiad ar gyfer myfyrwyr neu raddedigion y brifysgol i'w helpu i ddeall pwysigrwydd astudio ac ymchwilio i fentrau bach a chanolig a'r heriau y maent yn eu hwynebu wrth weithredu yn y farchnad ddomestig a thramor. Bydd yr arbenigwyr mewn busnes a rheolaeth yn cyflwyno sut orau y gall cwmnïau ddefnyddio arloesedd agored i ehangu'n rhyngwladol a manteisio ar eu hadnoddau a'u galluoedd i lwyddo mewn marchnadoedd tramor a chael gwell perfformiad. Bydd arloesi agored yn cael ei drafod fel ffactor allweddol a allai effeithio'n sylweddol ar oroesiad busnesau bach a chanolig. Bydd y mynychwyr yn cael cyfle i ofyn cwestiynau ac i gymryd rhan mewn trafodaeth.