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22 October - 13 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

The hold of the old neighbourhood: A walking tour of places that no longer exist

Historical black and white picture of old streets in Derry City, with old and new buildings.

My local area theme

What’s on offer?

This event will take the form of an interactive walking tour of the central residential areas of Derry city. Participants will learn about the process of urban redevelopment that took place between the 1950s and 1970s, and how this impacted the people who lived in streets and neighbourhoods now gone or rendered unrecognisable. 

The walk will last 90 minutes.

What’s it about?

Attendees can expect to learn about the city's social history in this period and how place is central to how people define their identity and live their everyday lives. Images, maps and testimonies will be relayed to participants as we progress through the streets, and the question will be posed - can a deep engagement with the stories of everyday life in the past help us build a more sustainable urban future?

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Adrian Grant, Lecturer in Politics and Principal Investigator on the Historical Urbanism project at Ulster University 

Open to

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Of particular interest to

It will be of interest to planners, those interested in heritage and history, those interested in ideas of space and place, community workers, and anyone interested in building sustainable urban places.

Event booking deadline

24 hours before the event starts.