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22 October - 13 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

LORE of the LAND:  Tales, Trials and Environmental Justice

What’s on offer?

Professional storyteller Milly Jackdaw and Dr Lucy Finchett-Maddock (Bangor Law School, The LORE School) would like to invite you to gather round for two upcoming ‘around the fire’ storytelling events in Bangor and Cardiff this Autumn, as part of the Festival of Social Sciences.  They will tell chosen Welsh tales from history and folklore with the hope of communicating and identifying principles of law found within ‘lore’.  

Stories relaying themes of environmental justice, common rights and stewardship, will be worked with, such as found in ‘Rhyfel y Sais Bach‘ (The War of the Little Englishman) and those most relevant to land rights, selected from the Mabinogion.

Dau ddigwyddiad adrodd straeon ‘o amgylch y tân’ a gynhelir yn y cnawd a’u ffrydio ar-lein (drwy Zoom) lle bydd y storïwr proffesiynol Milly Jackdaw a minnau, yn gweithio’n rhyngweithiol gyda chyfranogwyr ac aelodau’r gynulleidfa i adrodd straeon am hanes a llên gwerin Cymru, er mwyn cyfathrebu ac adnabod rhai o egwyddorion y gyfraith yn ein 'llên'. Yn benodol bydd ffocws y straeon ar gyfiawnder amgylcheddol, megis 'Rhyfel y Sais Bach' gan Eirion Jones sy’n trafod hawliau tir comin a stiwardiaeth, a straeon sy’n ymwneud â newid hinsawdd a'r amgylchedd, wedi'u dethol o'r Mabinogion.

What’s it about?

Participants will be introduced to basic storytelling methods, as well as areas of law concerning the land and environment (with particular focus on Welsh and English law).  The aim of the sessions is to use storytelling as a means of giving access to justice.

Bydd y cyfranogwyr yn cael eu cyflwyno i ddulliau sylfaenol adrodd straeon, yn ogystal ag i feysydd cyfreithiol sy’n ymwneud â’r amgylchedd (gan ganolbwyntio’n benodol ar Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol 2015). Byddant hefyd yn meddwl am ddefnyddioldeb adrodd straeon fel dull o roi mynediad i’r gyfraith.

Who’s leading the event?

Associate Professor of Law Lucy Finchett-Maddock from Bangor University will be leading the event

Dr Lucy Finchett-Maddock o Ysgol Hanes, y Gyfraith a Gwyddorau Cymdeithas Prifysgol Bangor

Open to

The events are open to all but particularly relevant for young people, in understanding the relevance of today’s law within folklore and storytelling traditions in Wales, and how law can be used as a tool for empowerment for now and future generations.  

Mae’r digwyddiadau hyn yn agored i oedolion a phobl ifanc, a byddant yn arbennig o ddefnyddiol i bobl ifanc, er mwyn iddynt ddeall perthnasedd y gyfraith heddiw o fewn llên gwerin a thraddodiadau adrodd straeon yng Nghymru, ond nid dim ond yng Nghymru.

Of particular interest to

LORE of the LAND:  Tales, Trials and Environmental Justice is part of a broader interdisciplinary, cross-practice series of research collaborations and interventions entitled 'Telling Law' (with TBA21-Academy, Vienna) and 'Storytelling as Disorder' (with Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London and HDK-Valand, Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg).  The projects seek to understand how law is ‘storied’, whilst also engendering the use of ‘storying’ within legal education, research, provision and artistic practice, in order to foster legal literacy and access to justice.

For further information please contact Lucy at or

Mae Tales, Trials and Environmental Justice yn rhan o gyfres ryngddisgyblaethol, traws-ymarfer ehangach o gydweithrediadau ac ymyriadau ymchwil o’r enw Telling Law, sy’n ceisio deall sut mae’r gyfraith yn cael ei thrin mewn straeon, tra hefyd yn ysgogi’r defnydd o adrodd straeon mewn addysg, ymchwil a darpariaeth gyfreithiol, ac ymarfer artistig, er mwyn meithrin llythrennedd cyfreithiol a hyrwyddo mynediad at gyfiawnder.

Scheduling information

This event is hosted in collaboration by Bangor and Cardiff Universities. It will take place in two separate locations on different dates. If you would like to attend this event in Cardiff, please follow the link: