People who sign up to the event are provided with a link to the online game, which can be played all throughout November. The talk will happen online on Friday November 11th from 18:00 - 19:30 UK time.
Scientists face a lot of ethical challenges. So we have developed a new purpose-built educational ethics computer game. This is a unique and exciting opportunity to playfully learn about the daily work of scientists and the ethical challenges they face. Whether and how ethical virtue can be taught has been a matter of discussion since Aristotle. How does, for example, our knowledge of ‘right or wrong’ translate into action? And how might our community, culture, beliefs, character or education influence our ethical decision-making? In our research we explore the potential and limitations of computer games as a tool to foster ethical research culture and academic integrity at universities today. In this event, participants are invited to play our ethics computer game at home and afterwards participate in a talk/discussion about the challenges of the ethical university and our research on ethics education.
Project partners: Prof. Manu Kapur (ETH Zurich) and Dr Matthew Gaydos (National Institute of Education Singapore)
Aline Nardo, Lecturer in Philosophy of Education
Young people (16-25), adults
Anyone interested on technology, science, ethics, decision making or computer games