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22 October - 13 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

On My Terms

A film and discussion exploring experiences of people who have been involved in assisted dying

What’s on offer?

You are invited to watch a short film. The film features a fictionalised story which draws upon research with patients, families and healthcare professionals from a range of countries, about the experiences of people involved in assisted dying including euthanasia. This will be followed by a question and answer session with Professor Nancy Preston from Lancaster University, and Claudia Gamondi, a doctor from Switzerland, who have been involved in this research.

What’s it about?

Jersey has begun to pass legislation to legalise assisted dying and will be the first part of the United Kingdom to do this. Often the discussion about assisted dying focuses on its morality and can be very polarised.  In this film we will explore the experience of people who have chosen assisted dying, and the impact on their families and healthcare workers.  We aim to present a range of experiences to enable  audiences to consider different perspectives.   

Who’s leading the event?

Professor Nancy Preston, Professor of Supportive and Palliative Care, Lancaster University.

Open to

Mainly aimed at an adult, predominantly older audience but might be of interest to sixth form students considering a career in health care and healthcare workers in general.

Of particular interest to

People who are considering end of life choices for themselves or with a relative or friend; health care professionals.

Scheduling information

Doors open 18:30 for tea & coffee, screening begins at 19:00.

Event booking deadline

12:00 27 October 2022