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22 October - 13 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Let’s talk about Games

What’s on offer?

This participatory workshop will engage participants in gaming sessions showcasing outputs of academic research and explore game development needs in terms of game topics, modes, and techniques. 

What’s it about?

Come and join university researchers developing games that explore some of societies tricky problems!  

In these 60 – 90 minutes gaming sessions you will hear from research game developers about their journeys and can sign up to play different games according to your personal choice. 

Each gaming session will have a Q&A space at the end of each session. 

We are running this event because we want to engage people with Social Science research, hear your ideas, and trail the best ways of highlighting social issues through games.  

Who’s leading the event?

Chiara Cipollari, Commercialisation Officer, University of Glasgow.


Researchers from the Universities of Glasgow, Manchester, Belfast and Nottingham Trent will present their research based games on social science topics such as health, law and civil society.

Open to

Anyone is welcome. For the gaming session there will be a registration form on the day of the event after the introductory session.

Of particular interest to

Particular interest to: those considering enrolling to university; choosing a research subject; teachers; gaming industry.

Students at pre-university study level might be led to think about their future studies though engaging in the topic developed by the games.

Teachers might relate the games topic to their teaching subjects and be inspired on using the games as educational tools.

External business, particularly from the games industry, might see opportunities of collaboration with the academics or the team that have developed a specific game.

Families might consider shifting their gaming choices from general retail to educational games.