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22 October - 13 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Launch: Mancunian Cultural Capital: Artistic Expression through Graffiti

Photo of wall running alongside a building with graffiti that reads One dream inspires another. Montaged with a second photo that shows four young people stood in front of a building with a black and white graffiti painting of singer Nina Simone.

My local area theme

What’s on offer?

This event is the opening of an exhibition of young children’s artwork. The artwork is inspired by local street art and graffiti and asks us to think about how we value and appreciate culture. Graffiti artist Russ Meehan and Childhood scholars Juliette Wilson-Thomas and Ruby Brooks have worked with local children to develop their artwork for display. You are invited to enjoy the art, have some refreshments, and to chat about local artwork that you like.

What’s it about?

Cultural capital is a social science concept relating to the value of our cultural knowledge and experiences. It is now a key Ofsted inspection criteria for early years and school settings, but many people are unsure what it means. It is often linked to an elitist hierarchy of art forms however, it could be about experiencing, promoting and valuing diverse forms of culture. Join us for the launch of an exhibition featuring graffiti-inspired artwork from local young children, and their discussions of art and value. Together we can resist elitism, and celebrate local culture in its diversity.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Juliette Wilson-Thomas and Ruby Brooks from the Early Years and Childhood Studies team at Manchester Metropolitan University.

Open to

Everyone is welcome

Of particular interest to

Educators seeking to understand Ofsted inspection language relating to cultural capital, and seeking to meet this requirement in ways which resist any elitism

Parents and children who participated in the sessions


Event booking deadline

Booking closes Tuesday 1st November.