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22 October - 13 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

How to save money on your energy bills: psychology, habits, and behaviour change

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What’s on offer?

30min talk and 30min discussion, led by University of Surrey experts in behaviour and habit change, around how to make lasting changes to everyday behaviours to save energy, money and the environment.

What’s it about?

2022 has brought extreme heatwaves, heightened global energy insecurity concerns, and huge rises in energy bills. While we recognise that addressing these problems requires a broad, societal approach, most of us can make changes to our everyday behaviours to reduce our energy use, energy bills and carbon footprint. This session will draw on insights from behavioural science, and the psychology of habits, to provide tips on how to make lasting changes to our day to day lives to save energy and money. Attendees can expect to gain greater insight into their own behaviours, and learn not only which specific behaviours they might change, but also how to change those behaviours most effectively.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Benjamin Gardner, Reader in Psychology at the University of Surrey

Open to

All are welcome, but we expect adults to gain most practical benefit from attending

Of particular interest to

The session will be of interest to all adults, and of particular interest to those who want to reduce their household energy consumption, and young adults interested in psychology and its role in addressing social and environmental issues