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22 October - 13 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Edinburgh’s Political Stickers: Resistance, Creativity, and Public Space

My local area theme

What’s on offer?

participatory event, including a brief talk, discussion, and then participants design their own stickers, which they can take home

What’s it about?

Political stickers are a part of every urban public space, but have you ever stopped to think about what they’re saying? In this event, we will think and talk about Edinburgh’s political stickers, before unleashing our radical side and designing our own. Join us for an evening of resistance and creativity that will make you look at Edinburgh’s public spaces in a new light!

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Hannah Awcokc, University Teacher in Human Geography, University of Edinburgh

Open to

adults, young adults

Of particular interest to

anyone interested in politics and/or urban spaces