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22 October - 13 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Child Bilingualism: what do we know? How do we find out?

My local area theme

What’s on offer?

Interactive talk and activities by the Child Bilingualism Lab: in this bilingual event, attendees will hear about the latest research in the field, and will have the opportunity to try out tasks and games

Sgwrs ryngweithiol a gweithgareddau gan y Labordy Dwyieithrwydd Plant: bydd y sawl sy’n mynychu yn cael clywed am ein hymchwil diweddaraf mewn sgwrs dwyieithog, ac yn cael cyfle i roi cynnig ar dasgau a gemau.

What’s it about?

Did you know that learning two languages may improve children’s cognitive skills? Or that children with developmental disabilities can learn English and Welsh without additional language difficulties? The Child Bilingualism lab investigates language and thinking skills in bilingual children, with focus on Welsh-English bilingualism.

By attending this event, attendees will get a hands-on experience of using specialist tools and activities. They will also learn about how language and thinking skills develop in children exposed to two languages, including children with developmental disabilities such as Rett syndrome and Down syndrome.

Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod dysgu dwy iaith yn gallu gwella sgiliau gwybyddol plant? Neu fod plant ag anableddau datblygiadol yn gallu dysgu Cymraeg a Saesneg heb anawsterau iaith ychwanegol? Mae’r Labordy Dwyieithrwydd Plant yn ymchwilio i sgiliau iaith a sgiliau meddwl plant dwyieithog, gan ganolbwyntio ar ddwyieithrwydd Cymraeg-Saesneg.

Trwy fynychu'r digwyddiad hwn, bydd y sawl sy’n mynychu’n cael profiad ymarferol o ddefnyddio offerynnau a gwneud gweithgareddau arbenigol. Byddant hefyd yn dysgu am sut mae sgiliau iaith a sgiliau meddwl yn datblygu mewn plant sy'n dod i gysylltiad â dwy iaith, gan gynnwys plant ag anableddau datblygiadol megis syndrom Rett a syndrom Down.

Who’s leading the event?

The events will be hosted by the Child Bilingualism Lab:  Dr Eirini Sanoudaki, Dr Athanasia Papastergiou (Bangor University's School of Arts Culture and Language), Dr Rebecca Ward (Swansea University's School of Psychology) and Bangor University’s Doctoral students in Bilingualism Bethan Collins, Rebecca Day and Felicity Parry. For information contact

Bydd y digwyddiadau yn cael eu cynnal gan y Labordy Dwyieithrwydd Plant: Dr Eirini Sanoudaki, Dr Athanasia Papastergiou (Ysgol Iaith, Diwylliant a’r Celfyddydau, Prifysgol Bangor), Dr Rebecca Ward (Ysgol Seicoleg, Prifysgol Abertawe) a myfyrwyr Doethurol Prifysgol Bangor Bethan Collins, Rebecca Day a Felicity Parry. Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â

This event is hosted in collaboration by Bangor and Cardiff Universities. It will take place in two separate locations on different dates. 

Open to

The event is aimed at adults and young people, but children and families are welcome to attend.

Mae’r digwyddiad wedi’i anelu at oedolion a phobl ifanc, ond mae croeso i blant a theuluoedd fynychu.

Of particular interest to

The event will be of particular interest to parents, teachers and professionals working with children. Anyone interested in language development and
languages is equally welcome. Of particular relevance to Welsh audiences.

Mae’r digwyddiad wedi’i anelu at oedolion a phobl ifanc, ond mae croeso i blant a theuluoedd fynychu.

Bydd y digwyddiad o ddiddordeb arbennig i rieni, athrawon a gweithwyr proffesiynol sy'n gweithio gyda phlant. Mae croeso hefyd i unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn datblygiad iaith ac ieithoedd. Bydd yn arbennig o berthnasol i gynulleidfaoedd Cymraeg.

Scheduling information

This event is hosted in collaboration by Bangor and Cardiff Universities. It will take place in two separate locations on different dates. If you would like to attend this event in Cardiff, please follow the link: